6. How long will I be out of work?
June 23, 2017 9:51 pma. This varies vastly based on each individual’s commute, type of work, and ability of the job to make accommodations. Some general guidelines are listed:
i. Basic arthroscopic debridements: downtime is generally minimal. You can return to work as early as a day or two after surgery, but some people prefer to take 4-5 days. If you have a heavy duty job, you may want to consider up to 4-6 weeks off, unless your job can make modifications.
ii. Reconstruction or repair surgeries: generally, these surgeries will require a brace and/or assistive device for 4-8 weeks. This is often the determining factor for return to work. If you can commute to work with a brace or crutches and have a sedentary job, you could potentially return to work as early as a week after surgery, but many people prefer to wait until they are more mobile. Of note, if you have a shoulder surgery, you can type and write while in a sling.
iii. Osteotomy surgeries: these procedures have the longest recoveries. Consider taking off 2-3 months unless your job can make accommodations for limited mobility.
b. Considerations:
i. Do you drive to work? Are there alternate means of commuting to work if you cannot drive? (Car service, bus, carpool, train, etc)
ii. Does your work have light duty or can they make other accommodations to allow for post-surgery limitations?
iii. Does your work allow working from home?
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